
PREMIUM Aesthetic

The idea for this build is to create a surrealist/dreamlike virtual simulation inspired by VR and Computer graphics, I took some elements from vaporwave as I thought it would look interesting and also fits the style I was going for nicely.

Also seems like vaporwave is a style that hasn't been applied often to Minecraft builds in the past, if you look for Minecraft builds in that style you will find very few builds, or at least for me that was the case so I thought going for that would be an interesting theme choice for this entry.

The build features busts, statues, classical architecture, a pool, a small city, a small shopping center, and other elements inspired by vaporwave aesthetics, going for the surrealist/dreamlike side of it.

Aesthetic.schem (熱帯の島) 🏝️ Minecraft Map

ヴェイパーウェイヴアース (Vaporwave Earth)

Aesthetic.schem (熱帯の島) 🏝️ Minecraft Map

海の守護者 (Guardian of the sea)


ショッピングセンター (Shopping center)

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