Piramida Spawn
Length: 430 blocks
Width: 430 blocks
Height: 120 blocks
Cool big sand spawn for your server !
This map has: a spawn point, a place for the 6 chests/case, 3 NPC place, shop (market),enchanting and repair place,info place,parkour.
3D View: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/piramida-spawn-fde463050ff74ad7b4792ab744cfcd60
Length: 430 blocks
Width: 430 blocks
Height: 120 blocks
Cool big sand spawn for your server !
This map has: a spawn point, a place for the 6 chests/case, 3 NPC place, shop (market),enchanting and repair place,info place,parkour.
3D View: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/piramida-spawn-fde463050ff74ad7b4792ab744cfcd60
1) Put .schematic in /plugins/worldedit/schematics
2) Type in game: //schem load mcedit name.schematic
If you'd like it to only apply the schematic and not the air blocks (loads faster) do: //schem load mcedit name.schematic -a