This pack contains:
- Dreshtark model with 17 animations.
- Dreshtark mount model with 9 animations, can be mounted on the ground or air and attacks aggressive mobs.
- Dreshtark Hat and Axe model.
- Mobs.yml and Skills.yml with +900 lines of configuration.
- Dreshtark schematic.
- Basic CustomModelData setup for Dreshtark hat and axe.
- readme.txt (how to install)
- Free support.
- Spigot/Paper 1.19.4
- MythicMobs Premium v5.3.5
- ModelEngine r3.1.8
- WorldEdit (to load the .schem)
- In skills.yml file the lines of the damage and titles are indicated so that they can be modified
- If you are not going to use the Boss Arena by default, I recommend using one with a completely flat floor or with little relief and thick walls.